Welcome to Class 4
Teachers: Miss Lane
Year 3 Curriculum
A broad and varied curriculum is provided, allowing children to learn in a variety of ways and cross-curricular links are made where possible.
The numeracy framework is used as a basis for planning. A wide range of learning experiences are provided including practical activities, problem solving activities and use of ICT. A challenging learning environment encourages all children to develop independence. Challenges are provided for all individual children through differentiated activities. There is a strong emphasis placed on developing children’s mental maths skills and in particular multiplication facts throughout the week. Children are taught a range of methods for addition subtraction, multiplication and division and are encouraged to apply what they have learnt to solve problems and undertake mathematical investigations.
English is taught daily following the ‘I’m a clever writer’ scheme with texts linked to other areas of the curriculum to provide children with an opportunity to apply their learning from foundation subjects to writing for a range of different purposes. English is taught for an hour each day with each lesson focusing on a particular skill linked to the National Curriculum for year 3. Every Friday, the children will complete a ‘star write’ which is an extended piece of writing based around the skills they have been practising throughout the week. Every independent star write will be assessed against the I’m a clever writer success criteria.
Religious Education (RE)
RE is taught using the ‘Come and See’ programme of study and activities are adapted to suit the needs and abilities of the pupils. Three fifty minute lessons are taught each week. Children are encouraged to make links between scripture and Christian beliefs and practises, and develop an understanding of how their beliefs as Christians shape their lives. Children are taught about other Religions throughout the year as well.
History and Geography
History and geography are taught weekly and cross-curricular links are made with Numeracy, Literacy and ICT where possible. The children’s learning covers the New Curriculum requirements in both subjects. There is an emphasis on cross curricular links between both subjects and literacy, numeracy and IT.
Science is taught weekly following the Developing Experts Science program. Children are taught to develop skills such as comparative and fair testing, researching using secondary sources, pattern seeking and observing over time. In Autumn, children will explore Forces and Magnets as well as Light. In Spring, children will learn about rocks and plants. In summer, children will learn about animals including humans and develop their understanding of the human body.
Foundation Subjects
Are generally taught separately, however where relevant cross curricular links are made with Numeracy, Literacy, IT and Religious Education. Music and British Sign Language are taught by specialist teachers. British Sign Language and Music are taught weekly. Art and DT are sometimes linked to topics or taught as a separate subject as appropriate. IT is taught in conjunction with other subjects where possible rather than as a separate subject.
Physical Education (PE)
PE is taught twice per week and a range of skills and techniques are taught over the course of the school year. Children attend swimming lessons during the year and other specialist PE teachers are available to support the effective teaching of the PE curriculum. Children are taught skills, tactics and team work.
To view our Curriculum Plans please visit Our Curriculum section.