Welcome to our Early Years Class
Our Class Teacher : Miss Sanderson
EYFS Curriculum
When a child first starts school, they work towards Early Learning Goals, which give
them a good foundation for future National Curriculum work. In Reception we have 7
Areas of Learning and Development. These are:
Prime Areas
o Personal, Social and Emotional Development
o Physical Development
o Communication and Language
The prime areas begin to develop quickly in response to relationships and
experiences and run through and support learning in all other areas. The prime
areas continue to be fundamental throughout the EYFS.
Specific Areas
o Literacy
o Mathematics
o Understanding the World
o Expressive Art and Design
The specific areas include essential skills and knowledge. They grow out of the
prime areas and provide important contexts for learning.
Children develop quickly in the Early Years and Early Years staff aim to do all they
can to help children have the best possible start in life.
On-going assessment is at the heart of effective Early Years practice and this can be
seen during observations by staff, as well as teacher-led and child-initiated activities.
From these observations, staff will support the child to strengthen and deepen their
current learning and development, identifying possible areas in which to challenge
and extend the child’s current learning and development.
RE Curriculum
‘Come and See’ currently provides the basis of our RE curriculum and has RSE
integrated. Daily worship, regular attendance at Mass and the teaching of RE
provides the children with opportunities to explore, reveal and respond to the
curriculum as part of their learning.
Specialist Teachers
Music and British Sign Language are taught weekly by specialist teachers.
To view our Curriculum Plans please visit Our Curriculum section.