Welcome to Class 7
Teacher: Mrs Cartwright
Year 6 Curriculum
Literacy is taught daily using ‘I’m A Clever Writer’ approach. Children are taught to write independently having been shown the skills within the weekly WAGOLL. The weekly sessions have a focus on sentence structure, text organisation and use of creative/appropriate vocabulary leading to an independent piece of writing (Star Write) on Friday’s. The children are given every opportunity to master the skills needed to create different genres of writing.
Significant emphasis is placed on reading for enjoyment with the class novel which is read only for pleasure. Children are given the opportunity to develop their reading skills through daily VIPERS sessions where as a class we look at a piece of text in detail. Focus on fluency, interpretation and expression is built into these sessions, during the guided reading element. Every child is given a reading book that they can change independently from the class bookcase. The school has a well-stocked library which contains a variety of different genres. Children who require extra support with their reading read regularly to the class teacher and teaching assistant.
Numeracy taught daily usually for one hour a day. Strong emphasis is placed on developing children’s arithmetic skills with a dedicated 30-minute daily session working on these skills. Children are taught the standard methods for addition subtraction, multiplication and division and are encouraged to apply what they have learnt to solve problems and undertake mathematical investigations. Fractions, decimals and percentages, statistics, measurement, geometry also taught.
In both Literacy and Numeracy work is differentiated to ensure pupils receive work that is challenging but achievable.
Religious Education
Religious education is taught according to guidelines from the Diocese using the religious scheme ‘Come and See’. RE is taught 3 times weekly –approximately 50 mins a lesson. Children are encouraged to make links between scripture and Christian beliefs and practises, and develop an understanding of how their beliefs as Christians shape their lives.
We take part in daily Liturgical Prayer sessions either coming together as a Key Stage or within as a class. As a school we also celebrate mass in Church with the parish.
Science is taught weekly using Developing Experts which ensures that all of the content from the Science curriculum is covered. Using this scheme of work ensures that the children are developing their knowledge and vocabulary as well as their ability to plan and carry out scientific investigations effectively.
Foundation Subjects
Are generally taught separately, however where relevant cross curricular links are made with Numeracy, Literacy, IT and Religious Education.
Music and British Sign Language are taught by specialist teachers, weekly.
IT is taught in conjunction with other subjects where possible rather than as a separate subject.
Art and DT are sometimes linked to topics or taught weekly as a separate subject as appropriate.
Physical Education (PE)
PE curriculum includes dance (usually taught by specialist teacher) and a variety of invasion games. Athletics are taught in the summer. Children are taught skills, tactics and team work.
To view our Curriculum Plans please visit Our Curriculum section.